
Hard Scale Eats is a services company that provides financial, marketing, human resources, legal and real estate support to the family of companies that include Sushi Nozawa Group, HiHo Cheeseburger, UOVO Pasta and Matū Steak.

What is "The Hard Scale"?

The “Hard Scale” was created as a better way to rate food. The simple “on a scale from 1 to 10” just leaves too much ambiguity, with almost everything ending up between 6 and 9.  More gradations were needed, with more guidelines as to what each number means, so the Hard Scale was born.

The Hard Scale ranges from 10 to negative 10, where zero is indifference. At zero, you literally could take it or leave it. If you are at all hungry and something sits on a plate in front of you uneaten, it's below zero by definition.

10 is perfection and beyond rare.

9 is world-class. If you ever are traveling to a city where there is a “9,” it’s the first thing you think of when you learn you need to make the trip.

7.5 is “you would drive for it,” or you would go out of your way to eat it.

5 is something that is done right, a solid execution.  “5” is praise.

0 is indifference. Take it or leave it.

Negative 5 is something you would really rather not eat again.

Negative 7.5 is something you are not sure if you could eat again.

Negative 9 is something you are fairly certain you could not eat again.

Negative 10 is something you are certain you could not eat again.